4. What is tax money?
5. The guilty people for the crisis and the reason why money, all over the world,
is worthy less? Are in need of a fat payback!
6. The simple mathematical solution to solve the problem, price explosion.
7. Addressing the problem of high working hours.
8. Less work more free time.
9. The problem with the schools.
10. Oh my god, the study.
11. Destroying the monster of advertising.
12. Stalkers, hackers and other terrorists.
13. Advantages of a MP globalization.
14. Increasing income, with or without work.
15. Important work will pay better and relief of the unemployed.
16. The weed rip-off.
17. Serious fraud, negative police performance.
18. To address and solve the problem in medicine.
19. To address and solve the dental problem.
20. Traditions, religious circumcision and questionable medical treatments.
21. Elections, works councils, unions, lawyers and judges.

Get involved and stop telling yourself that everything would be fine the way it is.

4. What is tax money?

I go to work, I pay taxes, one of the favorite slogans of the unemployable. Yes,
it is written on the paper that I pay income tax. Yes, of course, you superfluous paper pusher,
you get up in the morning, go to the restroom for a shit and your butt is producing tax money
and the state stands behind of it and steals your self-made tax money? No, the government
prints money and distributes it. Which here in Germany also carries the right name,
money to control the population, so-called tax money. The worst thing is that the unemployable
get the most money, and so the capable are forced to live together with this scum.
From my personal experience, an incompetent who was driven into incompetence by cheating,
needs 3 years to complete the painting of 3 slats, a capable person grinds the wood,
buys the paint and has this work done, in the shortest time.

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5. The guilty people for the crisis and the reason why money, all over the world,
is worthy less? Are in need of a fat payback!

Punishment of the new master people, our lendingwork-officers! Because they do only their work!
Which means that they sit a few hours in the office and scratch their balls. By my own experience,
it is terrible what happens every day, the employees in the employment offices, sabotage where they can.
Newer days, you need everywhere you're going, an appointment, so those lazy people, can prepare,
producing a big theater. The problem is! Job offers in newspapers are faked, job offers on them big
advertising boards are faked, job offers on the Internet are faked. What I describe here is the
experience I had. You do visit the employment office and the notice board is obviously filled with
fantasized jobs, made by people do not have them necessary school grades, by the law having no
alouenc/permission, to call their self office worker, shit is being written, like IT-ASPP system
specialist with 5 years professional experience. Total nonsense no one has the qualifications for,
next to these fake jobs, is where they want to ship you, to the storage concentration camp,
demolition work on the construction site, contract labor slavery and so on. You look for a mini job
in an office? You have a good school-leaving certificate and even repeat some school grades for the
qualification to study, the hard work you have already done enough. So you respond to an announcement
in the newspaper, standing in front of a splendid office building and lead a job interview with
swindlers, a so-called pusher column, they like you to work on commission basis calling people where
they do know? That these people have money in their bank account! They have lists? They try to
explain that they have special tricks, unbelievable mathematical skills and Kowhow that no one else has,
in order to make more money out of these people's money? The horror story in the newspaper,
young pretty woman, is advised by an official employee: "Yes, you look good, why you do not work as a
prostitute?" This is the reality in the Federal Republic of Germany, it is not a fake! The MP look
forward, to imprison this people for sabotage and fraud, exactly as it is written in the books of law.
This way we save billions of bugs in tax money and can employ people who are really social and also
try to place suitable workers with reasonable employers.

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6. The simple mathematical solution to solve the problem, price explosion.

Price brake, we do not need higher wages, we need stable prices. The price explosion is an act of terror
by the dictatorship, to drive us all into slavery. So that you go to work, for 1000 bugs and
Mongus Idiet sits in the office, fiddles around with his balls and gets over 5000 bugs for it.
As already said, lendingwork is slavery, introduced here in Germany by a low level student, excuse me,
a special school dropout with a faked school-leaving certificate. Lendingwork administration staff,
who had thought this? Consists out of people who are dangerously stupid and do not know the difference
between wrong or right, they are basically only entitled to 500 euros a month, actually they should not
have given money into their hands, they do not buy a 2 liter bottle of Coca-Cola for the cost of 2 bugs,
they buy a doze of Cola cost the same but only has 250 milliliters. Only people do not really have to
work for money, to buy such things. For calling just one example, on the other hand there is Mongus Idiet
people are not able to count correctly, working where they not belong to in an opinion research institute,
this nuts now give the advice, higher them price. Also, because the skills of these people or better said,
the work force is 0. The MP look forward to giving this people only special paper for buying food and to
imprison them into the given case directly, the costs for these people are bombastic, the tax money which
is burned here, the MP is willing to use for reasonable social benefits for everyone, as a punishment,
these people are out of order. Also, it is a fact that this dictatorship gives long-term unemployed No. 1
only 500 bugs but long-term unemployed No.2 a 1500 bugs! The savings, by doing this correctly and using
the existing law, called slavery is not legal, is very high. By just giving slavery another name, like the
special school dropout has done, it will not get legal. These savings are even so high, that we have the
chance to enjoy again, stable and fabulous prices, as it was give in the time of the D-Mark,
in all of Germany.

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7. Addressing the problem of high working hours.

In the working time model, clearly man needs to work 8 hours a day? So that the parasite of the work
creation party, can scratch his balls 2 hours a day to get great ideas like, Harz4,
lendingwork (temporary work), destruction of automated production, destruction of the welfare state,
small farms at the high price, Coronavirus and any crisis shitery that you can imagine. The Goal is,
a 4-day week, 5 hours a day, best is 2 hours a day with reasonable division of labor plus top wages.
The whole thing is possible because the MP will undo everything that is made by the special school dropout,
called Gerhard Schröder, as the so-called leader of the mathematics legastemics, into our country.
The mongolide illness is far more spread in our nations, then we have thought. Additionally, the MP pushes
the fully automated production of goods to a higher level where their man is no longer needed as a missing
part in the machinery, man should only push the button and having a relaxed job 2 hours a day. The graduate
engineer is important and also right, too much and too badly paid work is pure shit. You can not imagine
that in some countries, 12 hours daily working time, is not criminal? It is not only a mathematical disaster,
it is inhuman behavior. With a proportion of unemployed people twice as high as here in Germany.

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8. Less work more free time.

Creation of free time for everyone, so that someone who has never been abroad, knows only poverty, racism,
and frustration, also has the opportunity to take a vacation. So the active fight against racism,
being a foreigner in another country, as a holiday visitor. TV, PC, Smartphone and Internet are fabulous
things to drive away the massive problem boredom, especially at the time of Corona. But the contact to other
people has been missed by many people, even worse the few opportunities to go out and having fun with others,
were no longer existing and still remain gone. So that young people, people in their mid-age and also the
lonely people in the higher age, do not remain lonely, it needs more activity to find suitable partners.
The MP and the company RMF creates for this project, the spare time and also the money, we are willing to
give them people back again, the trust in mankind, a trustful police and politics so that after Corona,
more meaningful leisure activity shall exist, than it even was the case before the dictatorship was showing
their ugly true face, called Corona crisis. Something like dirty butter rides, older person should never
suffer again, but also the younger people should have more money and pay less, so that they can undertake
more activity, in their spare time.

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9. The problem with the schools.

Fuck the schools, there they do whatever they like to do, with the children, quota school degrees,
favorite students, etc. In elementary school once a hardworking young girl with dark brown hair,
had worn slightly high-heeled shoes, the ugly favorite student of the class teacheres, was extremely envious,
a whole school hour was abused so that the two crazy females could pick on the girl. Another time a young girl
with blond hair embarrassed the crazy class teacheres, as punishment she was touched in the intiem area by the
outdated pedophile gym teacher. In Germany there is existing, the special school, the main school,
the real school and the "fantasy" school called Abitur, for special children, doing the state exam.
The state exam has a lot to do with political quotes, being weak and docile and following all orders.
What kind of people these students are? It is best explained with the following story. I had a buddy
in elementary school, then came an unannounced math test, who manage 50 small tasks as fast as possible?
I was number one, twice as fast as everyone else, my buddy was only number 2. And then he was no longer
my buddy, he switched over to the group of the favorite female student. I was disadvantaged many times
and later one I tried to catch up getting the state exam, for one of them good jobs. There I had put
together the following information for you. The state exam people, do not do mathematics existing in reality.
They do Algebra, for example, function 4th grade and shorte size to x? That has nothing to do with geometry,
that has nothing to do with electrical engineering and even nothing to do with physics. That is,
Albert Einstein and Forrest Gump, mathematics for them special children, them handy caped.
They learn business English, a language that is not spoken and also not written, if you speak such a
vocabulary bullshit, you can not become a newscaster, can not work in television and can not become a
president, because no one would understand you. And the German lessons are very different, they have a
lot to do with text interpretation, they read poems that are 70 years old, get some information about the time,
the bullshit was written and got asked about text passages, what did the author mean or want to say?
Unfortunately there is no right answer, if you should not get the state exam you get a 5, if you should get it
you will reward with a 1. Also, everyone interprets something differently, unless he or she has already
received a wanted point of view, a prepared solution in advance. Which is incredibly often the case.
Or the language Latin, Latin is only about excluding people who are not blind followers and therefore,
should not be part of the medicine sector, it could be the case, that you do not lie and cheat and keep on to the
apophatic oath, also the state members of course want to be important, if they are not important, they can't treat
you like shit. And actually they are respect less and treat people like shit. The MP solution is,
5 hours per day school, no homework, a lot of vacations but 12 years of school and strong supporting in the area
of mathematics, IT and science. Tests where there are questions, having non to do with the material that has been
exercised, in front of the test, will no longer be allowed. Also, announced tests distort the image of performance
and efficiency. We cancel the fantasy school, so there will only be the special school, the main school
and the real school, I explained it far enough why there is no need of a fantasy school. It is cheating,
and it will be no longer allowed. The MP separates the wheat from the chaff.
A hard punishment for pederast people!

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10. Oh my god, the study.

On the subject of studies, here also the quota nonsense and the membership to a party is given,
the one student's despair at stupid and huge formulas, but the darlings of the party actually have the solution?
Which is of course made up bullshit, M x C squared is complete nonsense, from a superfluous cheating piece of shit,
that could only do impressing things in the video game command & conquer, in fact the nonsense is absolutely nothing
to use for, I can't calculate, how much time I need approximately, at a speed of 100 miles per hour for a distance
of 50 miles, this "Quotenfipsel" is a disgrace for science and have never been a physicist, retroactively the
history books need to be corrected, it must being written about what a good-for-nothing, this person truly was.
And also Steven Hawking is a donkey in the wheelchair and not the most intelligent man on this planet! My dearest
anecdote of the computer science study, was the core of the whole study, learning to program. They put a donkey there,
who was not able to program with the language C, I spent nights teaching myself, and for sure this guy was not able to,
he was never being able to explain young people the workwise, of this super easy language. What he had brought to paper
was complete nonsense, which can only confuse. But he had glasses, long hair and next to him an Indian, so a theater
par exelance, you know on TV, Indians are so good at math, although they are no better and no worse than anyone else.
The MP solution is, no homework, no more exams, correct employee being able to teach and also have something to teach,
more events so that students can enjoy their best years. The MP shit on the German word "Ausbildung" means the end of
learning and not apprenticeship or education, also the MP shits on proverbs like "Lehrjahre sind keine Herrenjahre"
means correctly translate in the apprenticeship you are not more than a slave. We will combine teachings with actual
work experience in medicine and science. Those who have the qualifications should no longer have to work hard,
to pay moronic fees, they should work by there on, being able to afford more.

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11. Destroying the monster of advertising.

Getting the problem with advertising and publicity under control and ban posters and commercials from public life.
The basic problem is, advertising blocks with hidden content, are subconsciously a reason especially for older people,
getting a stork, these commercials have the power to change your good mode, been in seconds, to extremely aggression.
Stork has a better name in the German language, it is called "Schlaganfall" means you're getting so angry, that you
are willing to punch someone, but there is no one to punch, the piece of shit sits far away and sending you that bullshit.
Now the anger and aggression leads from the psychological problem to a physical problem. Especially on the road into
traffic, offensive billboards, actually all advertising, is dangerous for the concentration and endanger people's lives.
The modern personalized advertising and the so-called Smart TV are a combined pest, is so illegal, that persons behind
of it needs to pay! These Smart TV bastards, do even know when you are being alone at home, by inbuilt, sound system
engines and illegal hidden options to send data, so you watch a show or a movie and get advertising you do not want to
see! Same time, same show, same movie, your neighbor is getting a total different advertising. These bastards know when
you are alone at home, this is criminal without an example, those technologies, are illegal, and it is important that
the responsible persons pay for it! In The MP solution, illegal technologies are no longer allowed being build and sold
to clueless costumers. Advertising needs its own space on the Internet, something like the yellow pages and supermarket
brochures, so that you can search, as consumers, when you need something! So you will no longer harassed with advertising
in everything you do. It is an MPG promise!

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12. Stalkers, hackers and other terrorists.

For the hidden high-income earners, persecution, threatening individual citizens, sabotage and even murdering,
are common practice and elementary component to remain on their power. The MP makes no deal about the fact that
persecution is illegal and will lead you to prison. The private sphere is enormously important for the progress
of a civilization, secrets are no longer only the property of the ruling, you as young people have the right for
privacy. Anyone who wants to know what you talk and think in private is a mentally ill pig who must be committed
to the psychiatric ward. You can not imagine this, but who surfs the Internet and takes the time for reading what
is written into them so-called cookies, feels like in a lunatic asylum, there are things like, if you confirm you
give up all your rights and allow us to track you permanently, we count how often you go to the restroom to
terrorize you at the appropriate time? In the past, there was not existing such kind of bullshit on the Internet.

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13. Advantages of a MP globalization.

The global MP, the MPG so that no criminal can escape to Florida and the injured parties remain on the damage.
So that banks will pay interest charges and no longer being disrespectful and charge fees, so that we have a
global stable currency and no speculation Shit-Coin. So that enough money is available and no dictatorship makes
allegations that attack common sense. More than just for security and the implementation of elementary laws,
the MPG will ensure that underdeveloped countries and regions, rise up, without going into debt, or like it
is a common lie in the politics, we are the donor countries, in fact, construction and policy is a given and taken,
the ones are suffering are always the weakest and poorest people in society, if we promote weak regions and make
them strong? Through the MP it will cost us nothing and brings only advantages, because we all live on the same
earth, what is good for us also pleases the others what is bad for us also harms the others. Important for me is
especially the regular flow of money to children's homes, it can not be that these institutions are dependent
on donations.

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14. Increasing income, with or without work.

As already said, the increase in income has no use, it usually only affects the completely superfluous people.
Mrs. Angie Ferkel Chancellores of Germany, has proven it quite well, with the Abfuck premium. A Help for companies
that pay absurdly high salaries but obviously doesn't have the absurdly high revenues? They employ people there,
because otherwise they could not have paid their 4000 bugs cocaine bill. Or alternatively, are as stupid as a
Hirsich bag of shit? Oh, well Mrs. Ferkel where are the fat corporate profits, justifying the different salary,
for equal work? In the Abfuck premium! But I have to take here in protection.
It was them employs of the state, were attacking me, the greatest piece of shit, is still Gerhard Schröder and
his friends! Through the MP, there should be a stable and reasonable world currency, unlike the euro, this should
not lead suddenly to the point where you have to pay the double amount of money for everything in the so-called
western states! Also, customs shitery were no longer existing, on the other side, citizens of the poorer EU states,
due to the fall of their old currency, were not suddenly able to miraculously buy twice as much as it was the case
before. The Eastern European states, as just one example, were actually thrown back many decades after the
Second World War and were completely destroyed. With the problem of racist brainwashing and a lot of corruption,
it has taken them many decades until today that things are looking a bit better there, and it has more to do with
the absence of war than the euro currency. And even the western world and all nations invoked to that wars lost
them decades of development, now we are back to the point where slavery exists, we are not in 2023 we are in the
18th century, our mission is to destroy slavery and the global unification. Job security, future security and a
spirit of optimism in a new century are goals that are worthwhile for all of us. The MP cannot cope with all worries,
such as the death of them loved ones, but worries about money, worries about the children's future,
worries about a well-paid and decent job, the MP is there to help them.

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15. Important work will pay better and relief of the unemployed.

Regaining the welfare state, because even 100 years ago there were no reasonable wages and important work for
everyone and the MP will destroy as much work as it has to be so that psychological damage in society is reduced
and only work gains in importance, which must be made. The work of the reasonable and conscientious social worker
is important and after decades of experience, they cost only a fraction of what the slave drivers cost us financially.
The serious breach of the law, not even calculated. Truck driving, taxi driving, bus driving, supervision, care,
entertainment, school, sport, art, music, medicine and co. These are the future jobs and jobs for people.
The goal I am pursuing is to produce goods fully automatically, to store them and to make them ready for dispatch.
Producing food without harming humans, This is the first generation of AI and robots,
not the lethal self-driving car project.

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16. The weed rip-off.

The legalization of soft drugs like cannabis, under strict government oversight, means anyone can buy and sell
cannabis without the risk of being screwed by big dealers and the police. In fact, not everyone is allowed to
grow cannabis to sell this mostly toxic and filthy herb. There should be cheap, strong and clean cannabis under
supervision and control in order to prevent the problem of addiction and the heavy rip-off of semi-legal substances.
At the same time, however, the MP is demanding harsh penalties for substances that damage consciousness, ecstasy is
a popular party drug, but unfortunately many people do not know that this substance briefly disturbs their perception
more than alcohol does. Many people think, for example, after a night of drinking, what's wrong I just made it,
why is such a disgusting creature lying next to me? If you were lucky someone gave you the chemical ecstasy which
knocked out your defense mechanisms, if you were unlucky it was the ecstasy form known as the rape drug, in which
case you wake up completely raped and can't remember anything at all. Clearly and naturally, cocaine and heroin have
no chance at all with the MP, the addicts of these substances speak volumes, the idiocy of the population has
already progressed too far to show mercy in that case.

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17. Serious fraud, negative police performance.

Organized drug trafficking to up growing children, young people and actually everyone. Proven guilty there is not a
single piece of evidence that the police officers of the dictatorship have done police work only once in the past
30 years, the opposite is a fact, instead of doing their work, they say this is not police work, instead of doing
their job, they say, I am working for the state, the state is giving me orders, not you. The only persons
they work for, are members of a party, they work for the lendingwork staff for the pusher colons and other
pieces of shit. For example, they have not put a single drug dealer behind bars. The opposite is the case,
whoever sold drugs to his fellow human beings for the dictatorship, will be rewarded by the dictatorship.
Instead of catching them drug dealers, dictatorship officers, harass young man and woman, brought this semi-legal
substances and call them poor people, drug dealers! Furthermore these respectless creatures, like to tell us all,
they have done their jobs, their payment is rightfully? Same time drug dealers are now the owner of a kiosk,
a food stand, homeowner, landlord, etc. Alleged entrepreneur and employer, the sort of shit to describe as a sleazy
workshop owner who asks you for 3000 bugs for a repairing that only costs 300 bugs. A pig who bullies the employees,
treats the trainees like shit and poops in the customer's face. The MP clearly provides jail for such fraud. Workshops
should no longer be pseudo-private, a fixed price for everyone and not arbitrariness and fraud, which endangers
road safety. The time will come, the police have to work for the best party the world have ever seen! For sure,
it is the MP.

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18. To address and solve the problem in medicine.

Holding the WHO accountable, it is important for the health of the entire population on this planet that no one
becomes a doctor, who cannot calculate properly. The WHO has proven to be incompetent, the doctor who forgets
his gloves and also the cutlery in the patient during the operation. Because he is completely overpaid and
groped his nurse. He simply needs 3 trainees who replace him and provide relief. Latin and other fantasies
should be slowly but surely dismantled. The requirement of the state exam, is a complete detriment to patients.
State exam people have proven to be frauds, which the MP equates with special education students. A healthy
real school diploma, a sure hand, and also sharp eyes should provide relief as a surgeon and doctor.
By waking up superfluous qualifications, party political affiliation and co. we hope for decent doctors
who uphold the apocratic oath and also know that the MP, is not a corrupt crap party and will crack down
on fraud. Global free medical insurance is an MPG standard. The honor of the medical profession must be restored.

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19. To address and solve the dental problem.

The dental full insurance, completely free of charge, because healthy actually begins in the mouth and
80 percent of all diseases are due to dental money-making and sabotage. Who cannot eat properly because
of the teeth, gets organ damages, who cannot smile or laugh, gets the mental damages. To take away the
justified fear of the dentist. Many young women are unfortunately not enough as the dentist's stooges,
if the dentist commits a crime, there is no way for a young lady to draw attention to it, without losing
her job. In order to put an end to this unbearable criminal botch-up, the young ladies and above all
sabotaged patients absolutely need many trainee dentists with the real school diplomas and the military
patient protection, that is a soldier on the spot, you obviously and intentionally do damage. You jerk,
you get immediately the piston in the neck. I apologize to any dentist who is honest and upholds the oath,
but I regrettably have lists of an incredible number of dentists who do not, who have no balls, who have
no backbone and work for the dictatorship and not for the benefit of all citizens. The honor of the
profession of dentist must be restored, all treatments should become free, an MPG standard.

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20. Traditions, religious circumcision and questionable medical treatments.

I am fed up with many traditions, I am the middle child and am actually disenfranchised, in China I would not
even exist because of the 1 child policy. I can only advise everyone, give up the tradition with headscarves
and circumcision to be equal with everyone else. It is gay and highly pedophilia when an older man,
plays around with the penis of a little boy and a shame to enjoy the pain of your own child as well.
You wear what I want! You have no right to have your own taste in clothes? With all religious freedom,
here in Europe there are human rights and laws for the protection of people, which clearly led into absurdity.
Give up the firstborn tradition! The 1 child policy in China is the paternalism and a Barbary who's a high
culture is not worthy. So Fuck Off with the traditions of aristocrats and dictators, we all don't need such
bullshit and made up inequality. Also, degrading treatments like grabbing the sausage at the pediatrician
are not 2023 and have no medical background. The same applies to body searches of young people at the military
service and suspect company medical treatments. Over all these messes hangs the term gay and pedophile, abuse
of power and trust. Worst of all are nudist families, dragging children to the bathing beach so that they have
to be naked in front of strange older people. This alleged freedom is dictatorship and not freedom! By the MPG,
such messes are punished, worldwide there should be no more retreats for child fuckers and their sick tendencies,
a goal of the MP! As already said, the other parties shit on you, the MP is the only rational party.

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21. Elections, works councils, unions, lawyers and judges.

Well, you have the choice between the pile of shit no. 1 and the pile of shit no. 2, which are great choices.
That's only possible because there's no one standing over there tapping them on the knuckles with a rod.
What a luck you poor souls, that there is the Roland with his party MP. If you are still too young and don't
know what a work's council is? It's a group of ordinary employees who are counted among the laziest and dumbest
of the workforce in big companies. They only pretend to do something for the workforce, they are not class
representatives, they are lazy bastards. Unions, are originally a great thing, as said originally. Now the state
is taking everything that was good and pretending to be good. It adorns itself with foreign feathers. Today they
just make sure that their members get more payment than the other employees, they are branched out with the
judiciary and force companies to set political quotas. The worst unions are the state ones, policewoman Anne Mari,
kidnaps with her buddies innocent children and insinuates these to have done, what actually she and her buddies
have committed. It turns out Anne Mari was lying, one of her buddies was photographed picking up drug money and
pimp money. Now her union comes and protects Anne Mari from being punished. For this the state uses the judiciary
and completely twists the law in each country, there is even the prosecutor who prevents citizens who do not work
for the state, from suing state officials. The MP says quite clearly that lawyers, unions and works councils are
not 2023, please you people, look for a job as a slave at a temporary employment agency. Yes clear work's council
chairman, hire slaves, they do not need the salary and the employment contract you have. Yes clear dear judge and
lawyer, slavery is perfectly legal, what is written there, the law! You must use what you have learned for stat exam.
You have to interpret, the law is so old, it's a poem written in another language? So you do what is said and interpret,
the No into a Yes, wow here you have your 1+. Well, dear union, it has embellished enough with the foreign feathers.

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Get involved and stop telling yourself that everything would be fine the way it is.

Join in so that 21 well-intentioned goals become, 2100 and each of these goals is also achieved.
Personally, I could list even more than a hundred problems and solutions. For example: Family policy,
Oedipus Syndrome, greed for money, greed for prestige, rent, child-support-money, coffee study and more.
There are a lot of things you should really ask your self, like a pension at the age of 95? Lending money
to the bank and paying fees? Fantasy school scientists develop Wi-Fi in toilet paper? Scientists cost
300 billion bugs a year? Scientists find coronavirus 2.0 in test tube of their own lab? Mammography on TV,
believe everything the doctor says, perhaps the breast cancer, like it? Well, if the doctor was always right,
I would have died 5 years ago. But it's funny that in 90% of all cases, a surgery is not necessary?
Vegan seal, funny that the state does not want my "Bro, you are stupid!" Seal? Organic potatoes,
the plastic potatoes tasted better? Ghetto planing and construction? Block building in row house
neighborhoods? Settlement and displacement? Destruction of fine middle-class neighborhoods?
Tin container block architecture? Arson to make room for tin container blocks? New ugly prefabricated
communist buildings? Baroque splendor buildings are converted into ugly blocks, with the money that was
paid for monument protection? Intentional narrowing of the streets? Intentional destruction of parking lots?
10 meter wide footpaths, the bike path is relocated close to the main road? Copy of foreign miss success?
Creation of new problems for Germany? The Detroit crisis is coming soon!
You must support the MP and RMF! Because our present and past, is not better, as the time of the people,
lived before us. So that the children really have a better future, the young and the old people,
have a dignified life, crises and depressions can be overcome. The racism is fought, with the means of
common sense. The honor of the profession, called doctor, is restored, and we will get a police force,
doing police work. That everyone is getting fair and equal social benefits. The pedophile bullies are
being fought, and finally we can bury the worry about work and the future. Therefore, you support the
MP and RMF. Because this means Robotic, welfare state, union and simply said, common sense.
Everything else is algorithms, constantly spinning in circles. They are mongos, you can do what you want,
they have the state exam from fantasyschool, they are completely dumped down.
They are the Einstein (stone) age people ;)

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